Kia Ora,
I am doing well. I am going to have my first baptism (I will be baptizing R) and V will also be baptized this Saturday but she is going to be baptized by a ward member. The way the time difference works is we are 5 hours ahead on the next day from you guys, I believe. We had a really good week though. We were able to get 9 people to church yesterday and 4 of them have baptismal dates and the others will hopefully this week. There will be the two baptisms this Saturday and then two the next Saturday. Hopefully we can keep it consistent and baptize weekly. My companion keeps telling me that everyone here is expecting a lot out of me. He says that I came pre-trained and that he trains people to be successful. I hope I can live up to everyone's expectations. Oh and I do not have a
Thanksgiving here. And what are Granddad and Grandma doing there? How come no one tells me things like that? I don't even have their email. Thanks again for everything, everyone.
Gram- My P-day is on Mondays which is your Sunday. It is 11 in the morning here right now. Thank you for the story again though. I like those. LOC stands for Law of Chastity and WoW is Word of Wisdom.
Mom- I did receive both of the packages and I just need to remember to bring my camera with me to the cyber cafe place we go to for emails. Also, I will take any extra Halloween candy you want to send. Especially Reeses because we don't have those here.
Dad- Stop hurting yourself!!!!
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
Kyle is serving as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Auckland New Zealand. This is a record of his mission.

Email dated 11/06/11
Disclaimer- we were sending his email at the same time we received this. The daylight savings threw us off.
Kia Ora Everyone,
I'm going to guess that everyone was super busy this week because no one emailed me except my friend who is on a mission. I'm doing well though. Just thought you all should know that our investigators are doing well. We are about to have 5 set for baptism for this month. We already have V set for November 20th, J set for November 26, L set for November 26, and we are about to set R and A for the 26th. It is amazing! L is a Maori lady and she is very interested in learning about what the Mormons are all about. She read in the Book of Mormon and she is continuing to read and we asked her to pray about it. She is going to. She seems to understand everything that we teach which makes it a lot easier. The key to missionary work is to be yourself and be friends with them. J is 17 and we took him to a baptism and he felt overwhelmed by the Spirit and now he is preparing to be baptized. He is awesome. R and A are doing great. There was a period when Elder Whaanga and I were getting worried that they weren't progressing but then we had a lesson with them and asked them," How since we've been coming over has your faith in Jesus Christ grown?" It was truly inspired. They opened up and then the lesson we had after that was amazing. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and R said he wanted to be baptized soon and he asked me if I would do it, that way it would be a new experience for both of us. They are amazing. They keep committing themselves to living the gospel. They committed themselves to LOC, WOW, and now baptism. Another key to missionary work is to use the members of the ward so Mom and Dad, I hope to hear about how you guys are helping the missionaries next time. All of our main investigators came to church this last Sunday and it was amazing because it was fast and testimony meeting. The Spirit is so strong during those meetings. My companion and I are still getting along great and we are pushing each other to become better missionaries. Missionary work is great!
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
Kia Ora Everyone,
I'm going to guess that everyone was super busy this week because no one emailed me except my friend who is on a mission. I'm doing well though. Just thought you all should know that our investigators are doing well. We are about to have 5 set for baptism for this month. We already have V set for November 20th, J set for November 26, L set for November 26, and we are about to set R and A for the 26th. It is amazing! L is a Maori lady and she is very interested in learning about what the Mormons are all about. She read in the Book of Mormon and she is continuing to read and we asked her to pray about it. She is going to. She seems to understand everything that we teach which makes it a lot easier. The key to missionary work is to be yourself and be friends with them. J is 17 and we took him to a baptism and he felt overwhelmed by the Spirit and now he is preparing to be baptized. He is awesome. R and A are doing great. There was a period when Elder Whaanga and I were getting worried that they weren't progressing but then we had a lesson with them and asked them," How since we've been coming over has your faith in Jesus Christ grown?" It was truly inspired. They opened up and then the lesson we had after that was amazing. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and R said he wanted to be baptized soon and he asked me if I would do it, that way it would be a new experience for both of us. They are amazing. They keep committing themselves to living the gospel. They committed themselves to LOC, WOW, and now baptism. Another key to missionary work is to use the members of the ward so Mom and Dad, I hope to hear about how you guys are helping the missionaries next time. All of our main investigators came to church this last Sunday and it was amazing because it was fast and testimony meeting. The Spirit is so strong during those meetings. My companion and I are still getting along great and we are pushing each other to become better missionaries. Missionary work is great!
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
Email dated 10/31/11
Kia Ora,
So it sounds like things are going good back home. Things are great here. Everything is still going great here. Everyone is still progressing. We had dinner with A and R this last week and it was amazing. We had a really good spaghetti and some carrot cake for dessert. I love them because they are so awesome. J is awesome as well. He asks all these questions and we are able to answer them and he just understands everything and is able to answer a lot of questions in church. He is so good. V wasn't able to come to church yesterday because she was sick but we were able to see her still and she is still doing great. My companion and I went on trade-offs a lot this week but one of those days he and the companion he had for that day gave her a priesthood blessing to heal her throat and after the blessing she stood up and was healed. It's amazing the power of the priesthood. We also just started teaching this guy named M. He is Croatian and he is learning Spanish for his partner in Chile. He is really time conscious. He records music and we got a cd of his. He plays the trumpet. We didn't get to teach him that much but we taught him the first half of the Restoration. We gave him a Book of Mormon and asked him to read and pray about it and he said he would. Everything is going great though. Mom- I got the package this last week but I didn't understand the card because it said that there were some usb's enclosed but there weren't any in it. I was just a bit confused, but thank you for the things that you sent. They don't have reeses here. Hope everything is well with you all.
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
So it sounds like things are going good back home. Things are great here. Everything is still going great here. Everyone is still progressing. We had dinner with A and R this last week and it was amazing. We had a really good spaghetti and some carrot cake for dessert. I love them because they are so awesome. J is awesome as well. He asks all these questions and we are able to answer them and he just understands everything and is able to answer a lot of questions in church. He is so good. V wasn't able to come to church yesterday because she was sick but we were able to see her still and she is still doing great. My companion and I went on trade-offs a lot this week but one of those days he and the companion he had for that day gave her a priesthood blessing to heal her throat and after the blessing she stood up and was healed. It's amazing the power of the priesthood. We also just started teaching this guy named M. He is Croatian and he is learning Spanish for his partner in Chile. He is really time conscious. He records music and we got a cd of his. He plays the trumpet. We didn't get to teach him that much but we taught him the first half of the Restoration. We gave him a Book of Mormon and asked him to read and pray about it and he said he would. Everything is going great though. Mom- I got the package this last week but I didn't understand the card because it said that there were some usb's enclosed but there weren't any in it. I was just a bit confused, but thank you for the things that you sent. They don't have reeses here. Hope everything is well with you all.
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
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