This week was a week of miracles. We found out this week that my companion Elder Evans is training this next transfer. So I got to stay with another missionary while he went to his training meeting with another missionary. But all of this means that I'm being transfered this Thursday. Where I'm going and who my companion will be is still a mystery. We don't find out until the night before. This week we've been working hard to get our investigator M ready for baptism on the 23rd (this Friday). She is so difficult because we always schedule appointments but when we go over she almost always cancels on us because of her health. She has diabetes and she doesn't really take care of herself. We try to teach her a little bit each time. We are praying that we can prepare her for her baptism. This week we also received a huge miracle from the Lord. We received a referral from a member of a family whose Mom and Daughter have been going to church for the last 4 weeks. The mom is a less active member and the daughter isn't a member and so we were able to meet with her and her family yesterday evening with our Zone Leaders. Her name is N and she is now set for the 24th of this week which is Saturday! We are so excited and are praying that we will be able to prepare her as well. We are going to have a Family Home Evening with her family and another family in the ward tonight. I'm excited! We even had 2 investigators come to church yesterday. Their names are A and V. They are from Zimbabwe and are super keen. We taught them the Restoration and now the Plan of Salvation and they really want to know if what we share is true. It's been a huge miracle with them. Hopefully we can resolve A's concern about being baptized already in her church. We tried explaining it before with a bowl of water, pepper, and dishwashing liquid. I don't know if she really caught on that our church is the ONLY church with the power of God!
This week Elder Evans and I actually even got asked to give surprise talks in one of our wards this Sunday. The topic was missionary work so it wasn't too hard to make one up on the spot. It was basically a massive friendshare though. (A friendshare meaning a visit with members to share a spiritual thought and ask for referalls). Overall, that's my week. At least all that sticks out in my mind. Oh yeah, I ripped my blue suit pants this week because they came out of my sock when I was riding my bike and they got caught in the chain. I was so upset for about half a second then I had to keep biking to my dinner appointment. Hopefully they can be fixed.
Now, I just want to share something I learned this week from the Book of Mormon in our 90 day reading of it. I was reading in 2 Nephi 33:1. Now I don't have my scriptures on me this week so I can't quote it but Nephi shares with us that he has weaknesses. I feel that people tend to make Nephi out to be this perfect man. It's not quite like that. Nephi was not very strong in writing as he was in speaking. Now this is a mean thing to think about because. The converting power of his writings are so strong that anyone who reads and prays will know the truth of the Book of Mormon. And so if his speaking was stronger than his writing then imagine what it would have been like to be in his time and to hear his words. The other aspect of this verse that I like to consider is that Nephi still had weaknesses just like all of us and he put his trust in God and was strengthened. I know that as we put our trust in God our weaknesses can become strong through the power of God. When I first started this transfer I did not work out really at all. I found it so hard just to wake up and work our immediately. As I prayed for the desire and the strength to work out every morning, God blessed me and I have worked out every day (except for Sunday) since.
Hope everything is well and I love you all and want to hear from you.
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
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