Kyle is serving as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Auckland New Zealand. This is a record of his mission.

E-Mail Dated 9/10/12
Kia Ora,
Sorry Mom that I haven't sent any pictures lately. We just haven't done anything exciting lately or that I had my camera for. But I attached some today. Dad, I'm not entirely sure what you mean but I'm guessing you are reffering to how I spell things with s's instead of z's. I don't think it will matter too much though because if it was that easy to break a habit of typing z's when I've done it for my whole life I don't think it will be hard to go back. Anyways, It sounds like you all have had a very busy week! How was Rexburg? Did you like it?
This week was a pretty mean week. Transfers were this last week but neither my companion or I went. We are staying in Gisborne for another transfer! I really like it down here because of the people and the scenery for sure, but it is hard at times. But hard was put into perspective to me by our Mission President when he came down this last weekend for Stake Conference. He made my definition of hard seem like child's play. When he came down the first night he came to our nightly planning and helped us out a bit and told us that he wanted to come to our companion study the next morning. It was quite a nerve racking experience having him at our flat, but we made it through. It was actually a really good learning experience for me. He told me some things that I could improve on. One of those things is being more bold. This week is going to be me applying it. Also this last week we had another missionary with us for a day because his companion was being shifted. It was pretty interesting having him with us because he's like 26 and is very bossy. It was a pretty mean week though. Hope this week is just the same. Hope you all enjoy your weeks. I love you all.
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
E-mail Dated 9/3/12
Kia Ora,
Wow! It sounds like a lot of people are getting married! It's so crazy to hear about all of these people getting married so suddenly. I hope everything goes well as you go out to Idaho. This week wasn't all that great of a week. Down here in Gisborne, it's very hard to wok in this area because the missionaries in the past have ruined our relationship with the invesitgators because they were too pushy so we're just trying to find ways to get back on their good sides. We have been getting a basketball night organised for every Friday Night at 7. It was really fun this last friday because there was about 10 people playing the whole time but the teams were uneven in number and in skill. It was 3 on 7. The three were my companion and I and a member. It was funny because we still were keeping up with them and we were even smashing them at one point. It was a lot of fun though because everyone was just playing around to have fun not to be serious. We also were blessed to see one of our investigators at church for the 1st time and it sounds like she's going to start coming more often. It's cool because she's 16 but she's doing it for herself and to follow Jesus Christ not because of friends or anything. She has the desire but we're going to see how much soon. That's our week in a nutshell. Love you all.
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
E-Mail Dated 8/27/12
Kia Ora,
I hope everything went well back home this last week but here everything is going great. In answer to the questions that I've been asked. 1. Transfers is not this Thursday but the one after that. (To be honest, I don't think either my companion or I will be shifted, but you never know). 2. I will hit my year mark on Sept. 14. I've been told also that the 2nd year is faster. I hope not because the 1st went too quick! But anyways, this week was really cool because we got to travel up to Auckland for the Mission Conference. We were able to hear from Elder Craig Christensen and Elder Kevin Pearson. Elder Pearson is the 1st counsellor in the Area Presidency here as well as in the Seventy. It was so good! they gave some mean talks! The common theme seemed to be about becoming Disciples of Christ and not just acting. They were very bold in speaking so it made it hit home more. I am trying to apply what they said because I want to make a permanent change and not just a temporary one. They said that our Identity leads to our Belief/Values which leads to our Actions which makes our Reality. If we want to change our Reality then we need to understand our Identity. Of course all of us are Sons and Daughters of God and so we must embrace that and change to become like Him. I thought it was a mean conference. Nothing much happened this last week besides that. Oh I don't know if I told you this but our ward has 4 missionaries in it (Us and aother companionship). They had a baptism on Saturday of a family of 7 but only the 5 kids got baptised for now. The parents are getting baptised in December because they want to get married on Nov. 27th or something like that. It's been an exciting week! Love you all!
Ofa Atu,
Elder Lee
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